sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

some Tulku L. quotes

‎"To have awareness of a negative emotion makes it not possible to experience the negative emotion." Tulku Lobsang
''A problem has great power. Many Buddhist teaching use problems. Problem is our master. A problem is a great teacher. Whenever you have a problem, use the problem. Don't waste it! This is the best way to become truly free of problems, in both body and mind."
''We need problems. This is the way to be happy. You have a problem, and yes, this is a problem. But, if you don't have a problem, this is also a problem! Because without a problem you have no way to win, nothing to solve, no where to go. Everything changes, problems change. Because of change, you can become whatever you want'' Tulku Lobsang
‎"Life is only one day. Today is the day you need to decide. Today is the day you need to work, you need to be successful, you need to be happy. If you do not do it today, you will never do it. Life is only one day. Don't let fear and expectation prevent you from being happy with what you have now. Fear and expectation keep you in the future and in the past. Life is only one day." Tulku Lobsang

''Here is my secret to being a happy person. Don't take life so seriously! Life isn't serious. Life is complete joy! Everything is always coming and going. It is so unpredictable. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow.'' ...Tulku Lobsang

''Is the beauty in the flower or is the beauty in you?"
Tulku Lobsang

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Make me feel better

Olhei o saco de papel pela primeira vez antes de o dobrar.  A primeira coisa que me chamou atenção, foi a imagem bonita e chamemos-lhe 'carinhosa' de duas vibrantes e coloridas rãs às manchas apanhadas em flagrante cópula. Achei-lhes graça (acredito que elas apanhadas assim não terão achado nenhuma, eu não teria..), o suficiente para ler o garrafal título que as encimava '' MAKE ME FEEL BETTER''.

what????!!! pensei estremecida o suficiente para ler o texto que terminava no fundo do saco. Comecei a ler e a deixar-me escorregar esquecida e a gostar daquela cadência na alma e no ouvido, mas ...
E o dito rezava assim:

"O sabor dos teus beijos. Uma boa conversa. Fluir. Abandonar-me na minha galáxia paralela. Perder-me entre a multidão de uma grande cidade. Sentir o frio da montanha. Respirar fundo. A pureza da amizade verdadeira. Falhar, errar e saber corrigir.
Tocar-te. Conseguir desfrutar o presente de forma prolongada. Saber perdoar. Um banho em alto mar. Sentir-me minúsculo na imensidão. Fazer-me gigante nas tuas carícias. Dormir no deserto. Contemplar a fogueira do teu corpo.
Os sonhos silvestres. Canalizar o medo. Rir até chorar. A luz e a escuridão. Viajar sem ter dia de regresso.
Voltar a casa e ...? Que dizes, juntamo-nos de novo?


Bonito não? bonito serviço.
É comum e muito pouco original a junção de sexo, ou alusão e conteúdos sexuais na publicidade. Toda a gente sabe que SEXO VENDE, chama, seduz, atrai, ilude, persuade, domina, convence, cativa, ... e vende. Ora neste caso, eu já tinha comprado, e não era a publicidade que me faria voltar a fazê-lo, pelo contrário (só de birra ;)
Não sou contra o sexo, mas sou-o quando ele invade como praga, ora de forma ordinária, ora subliminar, ora ostensiva todos os quadrantes da vida. (ok. as rãs eram lindinhas e depois?)

Na verdade o que eu não gostei mesmo - cada tolo com a sua mania..- foi da ideia de (tirando as frases bonitas e românticas) : ó tu, anda daí vamos dar uma que eu preciso de me sentir melhor!
Muito cru? pois, sem as frases bonitinhas e profundas fica, nú e cru. E nú até é bonito, já cru...depende
Make me feel better, tal como em português poderia sugerir  Faz-me sentir melhor (pedido a alguém, súplica, desejo) ou constatação afirmação: o outro/lugar/ coisa/ que me faz a mim sentir melhor.
De facto todas as coisas mencionadas, nos fazem sentir bem, são agradáveis (...) experiências de vida.
E cada um procurará para a sua vida as experiências/sensações/emoções que mais deseja. O que é válido e necessário para mim, pode não ser para o meu irmão, pai, filho.
Há muitos caminhos e cada um terá o seu pelo qual será responsável e deverá ser consciente.
Para mim, é a ideia de o outro que vem e make me feel better. Quer dizer que não estou bem, mas deixo-me esquecer disso e embarco, 'compulsivamente' em alguma coisa que me faz sentir por instantes bem.
((Se calhar podia antes pensar: estou bem , mas contigo estou ainda melhor, por isso 'juntamo-nos de novo'?  - devo estar a ficar velha e moralista..))
Mas até quando, vão continuar a procurar (make me ) fora  (feel better) aquilo que precisam primeiro encontrar dentro (feel good)?
Acredito piamente que dois Feel Good dão dois excelentes Feel BetterBetterBetter. Mais  (+) por mais (+) dá mais (+), certo?  ((menos(-) por menos (-) também, mas...por quanto tempo?para quem gosta de 'pensos rápidos'...))
No meu tempo dava. ~

No deste menino Jakob abaixo, também.
(filho de peixe...sabe cantar)

My mind is open and my heart is full
ain't got any weight that I can't pull
right now I know that anything is possible

gonna bang my drum, blow my horn
I forget what these pills were ever for
I believe I won't need them anymore

I used to burn candles at both ends
now I just throw the whole damn thing right in
now playing in traffic is easy, once you learn where you get in

you wanna come with me?
get on board
now get in or get out
you see the door
the future's callin'
and it's me that it's lookin' for

cos it feels like summer again
I was thinkin' that it just might never begin
after where it's been
it's good to have the sun on my face again

I wear big boots
I know I do
I ain't envious of anybody's shoes
I wear 'em loose
yeah, maybe that's why it bothers you

I'm building my ship
stick by stick
and when the waters get rough I'm gettin' in
the motion of the waves
it does not make me sick

cos it feels like summer again
I was thinkin' that it just might never begin
after where it's been
it's good to have the sun on my face again

I buried my horse in a shallow grave
and I said a few things
I had champagne
that beast gave me everything that nobody gave

I got high hopes
tomorrow came
and I won't look back
on anything
I just found out that my bird can really sing

and it feels like summer again
I was thinkin' that it just might never begin
after where it's been
it's good to have the sun on my face again

In the Thick of It

''When we are “in the thick of it,” overwhelmed by too many things that need our attention, it’s important to remember that we are never given more than we can handle. When life’s challenges make us question this, our best coping mechanism is to follow the reliable and well-known course to our calm center and anchor ourselves there. It is for these times that we have been practicing regularly, so that our mind, body, and spirit will know how to find the peace within. Even in the midst of seeming chaos, a deep breath can help us turn within to find the space to work from, the calm at the center of the storm.
Tapping into our inner resources we begin again, bringing our focus to the needs of the present moment. Asking “why?” shifts our energy away from the task at hand. We can seek answers to those questions once we get to the other side of the present challenge. For now, we accept what is. Once we have collected scattered energy and created space, inspiration will strike, help will arrive, and what seemed impossible will either become possible or we will find it has become unnecessary. The flow of the universe and its perfect order has room to move in our lives when we get ourselves and our extraneous thoughts out of the way.
After the thick has become thin again, we have the opportunity to learn from the situation with a better idea of our true capabilities. We can now ask ourselves the “why” questions with the goal of fine-tuning our lives. Perhaps we have taken on more than is ours to do or made commitments out of obligation rather than insight. It could just be the ebb and flow and life, or we may be receiving life lessons on a fast track in preparation for something wonderful to come. But when we have a chance to make new choices, we know the best ones are made when we work from center.  (Daily OM)

segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011

Putting yourself first

''We have all heard the instructions of an airline attendant reminding us to put on our own oxygen mask before we help anyone else with theirs. This advice is often cited as a metaphor for self-care because it so accurately expresses why it is important. It seems to say, ironically, that if you can’t take care of yourself for yourself, do it for others. Few situations in our daily lives mimic the wake-up call of an airplane emergency, so it’s easy to keep putting self-care off—easy, that is, until we get sick, overwhelmed, or exhausted, and suddenly don’t have the energy to care for the people who count on us. That’s when we realize we haven’t been getting the oxygen we need to sustain ourselves. We begin to understand that taking care of ourselves is neither selfish nor indulgent; it’s just plain practical.

Putting yourself first means that it may be necessary to say no to someone else in order to say yes to yourself. For many of us, there is always something we feel we could be doing for someone else, and it helps to remember the oxygen metaphor. You can even encourage yourself by saying “I am caring for myself so that I am better able to care for others” or some other mantra that will encourage you. It also helps to remember that self-care doesn’t have to be composed of massively time-consuming acts. In fact, the best prescription for taking care of yourself is probably small, daily rituals; for example, taking one half-hour for yourself at the beginning and end of the day to meditate, journal, or just be. You might also transform the occasional daily shower or bath into a half-hour self-pampering session.

Whatever you decide, making some small gesture where you put yourself first every day will pay off in spades for you and the ones you love. The oxygen you need is all around you; sometimes you just need to be reminded to breathe.'' (Daily OM)

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Energy, Love, let it flow

''With his famous equation E= mc2, Albert Einstein proved that when you come right down to it everything in the universe is energy. Both in the physical plane of our reality of matter and the abstract reality of our mind are made up of energy patterns.

The concept of a universal energy flow is not a new one. The ancient Chinese called this flow chi; the ancient Hindus called it prana. The disciplines that developed in those two cultures - t'ai chi and yoga, respectively- are based on the art of tuning in to the flow of energy and using it to centre the self.

Particle physicists try to understand the nature of nature at the smallest scales possible. Today, we know that atoms do not represent the smallest unit of matter. Particles called quarks and leptons seem to be the fundamental building blocks - but perhaps there is something even smaller.

Empty space, we have discovered, is actually not empty at all.

Astrophysicists have found that less than 10 percent of the mass of the entire universe consists of the kind of "luminous" matter that we can see. What is the dark matter that makes up the rest of the universe? How can we find out? Though we understand many important properties of the fundamental building blocks of our universe, there are untold mysteries still to solve.

Advances in technology allow physicists to build more powerful and sophisticated instruments to look deeper and deeper inside matter. Like adventurers entering unknown territory, physicists forge ahead into ever smaller dimensions.

What will be their next discovery?''

 Deepak Chopra

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

Honouring life changes

''Anything worth doing will always have some fear attached to it. For example, having a baby, getting married, changing careers—all of these life changes can bring up deep fears. It helps to remember that this type of fear is good. It is your way of questioning whether you really want the new life these changes will bring. It is also a potent reminder that releasing and grieving the past is a necessary part of moving into the new.

Fear has a way of throwing us off balance, making us feel uncertain and insecure, but it is not meant to discourage us. Its purpose is to notify us that we are at the edge of our comfort zone, poised in between the old life and a new one. Whenever we face our fear, we overcome an inner obstacle and move into new and life-enhancing territory, both inside and out. The more we learn to respect and even welcome fear, the more we will be able to hear its wisdom, wisdom that will let us know that the time has come to move forward, or not. While comfort with fear is a contradiction in terms, we can learn to honor our fear, recognizing its arrival, listening to its intelligence, and respecting it as a harbinger of transformation. Indeed, it informs us that the change we are contemplating is significant, enabling us to approach it with the proper reverence.

You might wish to converse with your fear, plumbing its depths for a greater understanding of the change you are making. You could do this by sitting quietly in meditation and listening or by journaling. Writing down whatever comes up—your worries, your sadness, your excitement, your hopes—is a great way to learn about yourself through the vehicle of fear and to remember that fear almost always comes alongside anything worth doing in your life. '' (Daily Om)

Fénix - uma alquimia interior

Trabalhos recentes, Desenho e Pintura de

Adriana Carmezim

inaugura- 28 de Outubro, pelas 22h
na Sala de Exposições da Biblioteca Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia

entrada livre
até 27 de Novembro

''A Fénix (...) é uma ave mítica, de origem etíope, de um esplendor sem igual, dotada de uma extraordinária longevidade, e que tem o poder, depois de se ter consumido pelo fogo, de renascer das suas próprias cinzas. Quando se aproxima a hora da sua morte, constroi um ninho de raminhos perfumados onde se consome no seu próprio calor. Os aspectos do simbolismo aparecem pois, claramente: ressurreição e imortalidade, emergência ciclíca.

Al-Jili faz da Fénix o símbolo daquilo que só existe em função do seu nome; significa o que escapa às inteligências e aos pensamentos.
A Fénix evoca o fogo criador e destruidor, de onde surge o mundo e a onde voltará por fim.
Para os cristãos, a Fénix será considerada, (...) como uma ave sagrada e o símbolo de uma irresistível vontade de sobreviver, bem como da ressurreição, triunfo da vida sobre a morte.''

in ''Dicionário dos Símbolos'' , de Jean Chevalier e Alain Gheerbrant, Teorema

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011


''Gosta das pessoas. Gosta de cada pessoa. Das suas almas. E se não gostares de alguém, se achares que esse alguém tem muitos defeitos, eu te desafio a encontrares as suas qualidades. Eu te desafio e a encontrares a alma dessa pessoa.

A percepcionares que atraíste essa alma e ela te atraiu a ti. O que, com certeza, não aconteceu por acaso. Seja o que for que vieram fazer à terra, vieram fazer juntas. É que aqui, havendo coisas a cumprir, é melhor fazê-lo com qualidade, com harmonia e com sinceridade.

Ama as almas das pessoas, e ajuda-as a desistir da resistência e a abrir caminho à aceitação. Conversem, como amigos, sobre os vossos pontos de vista e façam alianças pessoais em que ambos ganhem. Nas quais ambos se vejam a ganhar. Não há alma que não queira a harmonia. Não há alma que não queira o amor. Não há.'' 

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Where you need to be

''Since human timetables quite often do not correspond with universal timetables, it’s common for people to feel that life is progressing too slowly or too quickly. We draft carefully composed plans only to find that they fall into place when we least expect. Or, conversely, we are thrust into roles we believe we are not prepared for and wonder how we will survive the demands imposed upon us by unfamiliar circumstances. When delays in our progress kindle pangs of disappointment within us or the pace of life seems overwhelming, peace can be found in the simple fact that we are exactly where we need to be at this moment.

Every person fulfills their purpose when the time is right. If you have fast-tracked to success, you may become deeply frustrated if you discover you can no longer satisfy your desires as quickly as you might like. Yet the delays that disappoint you may be laying the foundation for future accomplishments that you have not yet conceived. Or the universe may have plans for you that differ from the worldly aspirations you have pursued up until this point. What you deem a postponement of progress may actually represent an auspicious opportunity to prepare for what is yet to come. If, however, you feel as though the universe is pushing you forward at too fast a clip, you may be unwittingly resisting your destiny. Your unease regarding the speed of your progress could be a sign that you need to cultivate awareness within yourself and learn to move with the flow of fate rather than against it. The universe puts nothing in your path that you are incapable of handling, so you can res! t assured that you are ready to grow into your new situation.

You may feel compelled to judge your personal success using your age, your professional position, your level of education, or the accomplishments of your peers as a yardstick. Yet we all enjoy the major milestones in our lives at the appropriate time—some realize their dreams as youngsters while others flourish only in old age. If you take pride in your many accomplishments and make the most of every circumstance in which you find yourself, your time will come. ''(Daily OM)