quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

some Tulku L. quotes

‎"To have awareness of a negative emotion makes it not possible to experience the negative emotion." Tulku Lobsang
''A problem has great power. Many Buddhist teaching use problems. Problem is our master. A problem is a great teacher. Whenever you have a problem, use the problem. Don't waste it! This is the best way to become truly free of problems, in both body and mind."
''We need problems. This is the way to be happy. You have a problem, and yes, this is a problem. But, if you don't have a problem, this is also a problem! Because without a problem you have no way to win, nothing to solve, no where to go. Everything changes, problems change. Because of change, you can become whatever you want'' Tulku Lobsang
‎"Life is only one day. Today is the day you need to decide. Today is the day you need to work, you need to be successful, you need to be happy. If you do not do it today, you will never do it. Life is only one day. Don't let fear and expectation prevent you from being happy with what you have now. Fear and expectation keep you in the future and in the past. Life is only one day." Tulku Lobsang

''Here is my secret to being a happy person. Don't take life so seriously! Life isn't serious. Life is complete joy! Everything is always coming and going. It is so unpredictable. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow.'' ...Tulku Lobsang

''Is the beauty in the flower or is the beauty in you?"
Tulku Lobsang

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