sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011

Flying Home

-Have good flights this new year!!

''As earthbound beings, humans have always had a fascination with winged creatures of all kinds. The idea of being able to spontaneously lift off from the earth and fly is so compelling to us that we invented airplanes and helicopters and myriad other flying machines in order to provide ourselves with the many gifts of being airborne.

Flying high in the sky, we look down on the earth that is our home and see things from an entirely different perspective.
We can see more, and we can see farther than we can when we're on the ground. As if all this weren’t enough, the out-of-this-world feeling of freedom that comes with groundlessness inspires us to want to take flight again and again.

Metaphorically, we take flight whenever we break free of the gravity that holds us to a particular way of thinking or feeling or being.

We take flight mentally when we rise above our habitual ways of thinking about things and experience new insights. This is what it means to open our minds.

Emotionally, we take flight when the strength of our passion exceeds the strength of our blockages; the floodgates open and we are free to feel fully.

Spiritually we take flight when we locate that part of ourselves that is beyond the constraint of linear time and the world of form. It is in this place that we experience the essential boundlessness that defines the experience of flight.

Taking flight is always about freeing ourselves from form, if only temporarily. When we literally fly, in a plane or on a hang glider, we free ourselves from the strength of gravity's pull.
As we open our minds and our hearts, we free ourselves from habitual patterns of thought and emotional blockages.

As we remember our true nature, we free ourselves from identification with the temporary state of our physical forms.

The more we stretch our wings, the clearer it becomes that taking flight is a state of grace that simply reminds us of who we really are.'' (DailyOM)

terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011

As you believe

''The creative power of the universe is infinite.

A single molecule's destiny is as important as the consequences of the largest supernova.

Human potential is subject to this power, but because we are sentient beings, each of us is permitted to choose whether we will struggle against it or work in tandem with it.

When we give voice to our desires through focused meditation or solicit the help of spirit guides, we draw upon the universe's creative power to achieve certain ends.

However, because our words are not all the universe hears, the response we receive may surprise us.

The discourse we establish through our appeals is a blend of speech, thought, intention, and subconscious reflection.

When we ask the universe for something, the unspoken message is that what we want does not exist, and the universe accepts this as truth.

Conversely, we manifest completeness through affirmations in which we declare our desires as if we have already obtained them.

When we affirm that we are fulfilled instead of articulating deficiencies, we are asserting that contentment is a natural and necessary element of human existence.

Our essence is an expression of fulfillment—the universe wants to satisfy our needs and desires.

When we describe our realities in positive terms, we are not denying the challenges inherent in existence.

We choose not to focus on lack or dissatisfaction because we understand that the energy of our thoughts will determine the response we receive to our entreaties.

Ask yourself how you would feel if your wishes were granted, and then allow yourself to internalize that emotional state.

Try to create a picture of satisfaction so vivid that its reality is unquestionable and tell the universe that your vision is fact.

At the close of your appeal, express your gratitude, as it is your acknowledgment of the truth of your fulfillment that will set the creative power of the universe into motion.

Working in perfect unison with the creative power of the universe will empower you to manifest spiritual realities in your material existence.

As you affirm the beauty, peace, and goodness that already exist within in your life, your capacity to sense and understand their influence will become increasingly sophisticated.

To meet your needs and achieve your desires, you need then only banish all thoughts of emptiness so that the energy of completeness can attract fullness into your being. '' (Daily OM)

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011



Do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid
They will try to hold onto the shore
They will feel they are being torn apart
And they will suffer greatly.

Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
Push off into the river,
Keep our eyes open,
And our heads above water.
Look around, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history we are to take nothing personally,
Least of all ourselves
For the moment that we do our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.

Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner
And in celebration.''  Annaka Rae

sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

Celebrate the body

in it's most sacred form


Unite with another Commune with the divine Uniting in asana with a friend, lover or someone you have just met deepens our understanding of yoga and our awareness of others.

Yoga is a form of bonding with the self and the world, and yoga with a partner, breathing together, feeling, guiding and supporting one another is a creative and playful journey that connects us to one another in the present moment.

In this practice, not only do we connect to ourselves and one another, but we deepen our innermost awareness of ourselves, and cultivate the greatest intimacy and reverence for our bodies and ourselves as sensual, whole beings, finding the most divine reverence for our innocent and highest sensual selves.

Connect to the sacred energy of transformation with another.
Explore this beautiful union of vinyasa yoga and erotic art where your body becomes the canvas. Enjoy this beautifully choreographed partnering sequence that will both inspire and delight you ...

quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

A magical mind

''From blowing dandelion seeds into the air to throwing a penny into a fountain, we have all felt inspired to make a wish, to whisper our secret desires into the ears of the universe and wait for signs that we have been heard. Some wishes come true while others remain ethereal visions that either stay with us or fade like a star in the light of morning.

Whether they come true or not, wishes are important missives, expressing our heart's desire as well as our intention to create something new in our lives.
When we wish for something, our consciousness opens to receiving it, like a flower unfolding its petals to receive a bee.

There is something innocent and magical about making a wish, something that recalls the energy of childhood.
Wishing is not about formulating a plan and following it step by step to attain a goal, which is the realm of adulthood.

Wishing is more like a playful volley across the universe, an invitation to play. Waiting for the response is an integral part of the process.
Wishing inspires an innocent opening to the possibility of magic as we wait to see if the invisible realm will bring our wish to life.
This opening is a beautiful gesture in and of itself, regardless of the outcome. We place ourselves in a magical mind, and this mind is arguably as wonderful as the fulfillment of our wish itself.

In our straightforward, action-oriented society, we may tend to dismiss the power of this seemingly passive process, yet the power of a wish is well known, hence the cautionary phrase, "Be careful what you wish for." If you have given up wishing in favor of more adult pursuits, you might want to bring its magic back into your life. The next time you see the first star of the evening, or find yourself in front of a birthday cake covered in flaming candles, give yourself the gift of the magical realm that you knew so well as a child—close your eyes, open your mind, and make your wish.'' (Daily Om)

terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011

Relying on others

''Most of us pride ourselves on our self-sufficiency. We like to be responsible for taking care of ourselves and pulling our own weight in the world.
This is why it can be so challenging when we find ourselves in a situation in which we have to rely on someone else.
This can happen as the result of an illness or an injury, or even in the case of a positive change, such as the arrival of a newborn.
At times like these, it is essential that we let go of our feeling that we should be able to do it all by ourselves and accept the help of others.

The first step is accepting the situation fully as it is.
Too often we make things worse either by trying to do more than we should or by lapsing into feelings of uselessness. In both cases we run the risk of actually prolonging our dependency. In addition, we miss a valuable opportunity to practice acceptance and humility.

The ego resists what is, so when we move into acceptance we move into the deeper realm of the soul.

In needing others and allowing them to help us, we experience the full realization that we are not on our own in the world. While this may bring up feelings of vulnerability, a deep feeling of gratitude may also emerge as we open to the experience of being helped.

This realization can enable us to be wiser in our service of others when we are called upon to help.
It takes wisdom and strength to surrender to our own helplessness and to accept that we, just like every other human being, have limitations. The gifts of surrender are numerous.

We discover humility, gratitude, and a deepening understanding of the human experience that enables us to be that much more compassionate and surrendered in the world.'' (Daily OM)

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011